Wildfire Prevention

Wildfire Prevention and education is the key to reducing wildfire occurrence in the state of New Hampshire. Understanding how to keep fires from igniting and spreading is everyone’s responsibility.

Wildfire prevention for both children and adults is an important and effective program in New Hampshire to help aid in mitigating the danger and potential destruction caused by wildfires. As Smokey Bear has taught us for over 70 years, 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans. Since this sobering statistic remain true today, each of us has to be personally responsible as Smokey says “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires” requiring us all to do our part in reducing the incidence of wildfire in New Hampshire.

This involves the use of many tools including fire permits, public service announcements, wildfire education programs in our schools and even using equipment and prescribed fire for managing volatile forest fuels in some regions of the state.

The National Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention Program (CFFP) was established in 1942 by the U.S. Forest Service in conjunction with the Wartime Advertising Council. In 1944, The program first utilized the image of a bear to provide the fire prevention message and for over 70 years, Smokey Bear has been the face of wildfire prevention in the United States. Smokey’s message continues to be disseminated by the Ad Council on both radio and television.

Future forest ranger becomes Smokey Bear in a life-sized cutout

Fun For All Ages

The official Smokey Bear website provides a multitude of informational opportunities for children and adults as well as resources for educators.

Promise to do your part to prevent wildfires and become a Junior Forest Ranger!


Do you want to bring wildfire education into your classroom? Start here the Smokey Bear education materials.

As your students learn more about wildfire, you can request a visit from a Forest Ranger and Smokey Bear, or a Forest Ranger and one of our Wildfire Patrols with their wildland fire engine. Fill out the Request a Smokey Bear Appearance form and return it to Wildfire Prevention and Training Coordinator Douglas C. Miner (douglas.c.miner@dncr.nh.gov),.


Every year we travel throughout New Hampshire to share the wildfire prevention message and educate residents and visitors about wildfire. When you are at your next County Fair, be sure to look for our Prevention Trailer and stop by to talk with a Forest Ranger, a Wildfire Patrol or a local Forest Fire Warden.