Timber Harvesting Laws

The Forest Protection Bureau have Forest Rangers who inspect timber harvests for compliance with state laws and rules.

Timber Harvest Inspections are conducted according to statute to protect "forest cover adjacent to certain surface waters of the state and along public highways" and to "…ensure future forest productivity"…without undue infringement on the rights of private forest landowners."

The Director, Division of Forests and Lands, is responsible for the enforcement of timber harvesting laws under RSA 227:G:3. This responsibility is carried out through the Division's Forest Protection Bureau.

If you require the assistance of a Forest Ranger for a law enforcement issue, you may fill out the Complaint Form and email it to jennifer.little@dncr.nh.gov or you can call (603) 271-2214.

Heavy equipment organizes logs in a log yard
Timber Harvesting Forms

Basal Area Variance Request Form

The Basal Area Variance Request Form is for loggers, foresters or landowners who wish to request permission to harvest in excess of 50% of the Basal Area.

Notice of Intent to Cut

A Notice of Intent to Cut is for loggers, foresters and landowners who wish to harvest timber. The State of New Hampshire has a real estate tax and by definition timber is considered to be real estate, therefore taxable.

Notification of Forest Management or Timber Harvest Activities Having Minimum Wetlands Impact

A Notification of Forest Management or Timber Harvest Activities Having Minimum Wetlands Impact is for loggers, foresters and landowners who will be harvesting timber in areas which may impact wetland areas and is required for the installation of crossing devises.

Laws and Regulations

Basal Area Law

The Basal Area Law FAQ Sheet gives information and answers questions about RSA 227-J:9 reference Basal Area, including a map with the required setbacks.

Slash Law

The Slash Law FAQ sheet gives information and answers questions about RSA 227-J:10 reference slash, including a map with the required setbacks.

Timber Trespass

The Timber Tresspass FAQ sheet gives information and answers questions about RSA 227-J:8 reference Timber Trespass.

Timber Tax Law

Ten percent of the value of every timber sale is returned to towns where cutting takes place. The Timber Tax Law FAQ sheet gives information and answers questions about RSA 227-J:5 and 79:10 reference Timber Tax.

Guide to New Hampshire Timber Harvesting Laws

The Guide to New Hampshire Timber Harvesting Laws gives a general overview of the Timber Harvesting Laws and is a good reference material for loggers, foresters and landowners. Currently under revision

Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber Harvesting Operations in New Hampshire

The Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber Harvesting Operations in New Hampshire reference manual is useful for loggers, foresters and landowners and should be used whenever laying out a timber harvest.

Harvesting Around Wetlands

The Managing Riprarian Forests information sheet from UNH Cooperative Extension gives an overview of Riparian Habitats and includes suggestions for Forest Management around these areas.

Timber Harvesting Contracts and Remuneration

The Deceptive Forestry Business Practices information sheet gives information and answers questions about RSA 227-J:15 reference Deceptive forestry Business Practices.

Consolidated List of Water Bodies (Fourth order Streams)

The Consolidated List of Water Bodies, from the Department of Environmental Services, lists the surface elevation that is to serve as the “reference line" for lakes, ponds, and artificial impoundments greater than 10 acres in size (RSA 483-B:4, XVII).

Information for Landowners

Timber Sale Agreement

The Timber Sale Contract information sheet gives information for the Timber Sale Agreement as well as a sample Contract.

Timber Sale Guidelines

The Timber Sale Guidelines information sheet is useful for any landowner planning to have timber harvested on their property. RSA 227-J:15 requires that all timber harvests which require an Intent to Cut must also have a written contract.

Licensed Foresters

The New Hampshire’s Licensed Foresters information sheet details what Licensed Foresters do and how they can help you.

Selecting a Forester

Selecting a Forester provides information on deciding on a Forester.

Find a Licensed Forester

The Directory of Licensed Foresters is an online database of foresters licensed in New Hampshire who provide services to private landowners and others.

Boundary Lines

The Woodlot Boundary Line Marking document details the importance of having your boundary line marked and how this is done.

Timber Harvesting and Silviculture

The Timber Harvesting and Silviculture information sheet gives a good overview of information to consider when managing your forest.

Owning a Piece of the Forest

If you currently own woodland or plan to purchase property, Owning a Piece of the Forest will help you assess your objectives and decide what type of woodland best suits your needs.

Other Resources

Good Forestry in the Granite State

Good Forestry in the Granite State, 2010, provides the educational tools needed to manage ecologically sensitive and unique features of forest land.

Forest Products Road Manual

The Forest Products Road Manual, 2007,  is a guide for both municipal officials and the forest products industry to improve understanding of the laws which govern public roadways.

Average Stumpage Values

Average Stumpage Values in New Hampshire provided by the Department of Revenue Administration.