Flood Control Areas

United States Army Corps of Engineers lands managed by the Division of Forests & Lands.

The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources has a forestry and wildlife management license on three U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's flood control areas in New Hampshire: BlackwaterFranklin Falls and Hopkinton-Everett Flood Control Areas. The three are listed with licensed acreage and date of license as follows:

Flood Control Areas

  • Hopkinton-Everett
    • Acres: 5,384
    • Term: 2015-2040
  • Blackwater
    • Acres: 3,197
    • Term: 2015-2040
  • Franklin Falls
    • Acres: 2,763
    • Term: 2015-2040
  • Total Acreage: 11,344

The license is granted for fish and wildlife, forest management, and other natural resource purposes

The Division of Forests and Lands is charged with departmental responsibility for coordinating its forest management program with other compatible uses of the three properties. All forest management activities are carried out under the supervision of Division foresters consistent with the management of other State-owned forest lands under department jurisdiction. Timber stand and wildlife habitat improvements, boundary line maintenance, forest inventory and mapping, and commercial timber harvests and other activities are carried out under a detailed forest management plan for each area.

All three areas are open for public use and benefit subject to applicable rules and regulations. Public recreation is supported by maintained roads, trails and river access points.

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, under agreement with the Division of Forests and Lands, stocks fish and upland game birds, assists with the maintenance and improvement of wildlife habitat, administers a fur-bearer trapping program, supplies and maintains waterfowl nesting boxes, and enforces all fish and game laws.

Each flood control area is self-supporting as all forest management activities are financed by income from timber harvests. There are no state general funds or any other funds used for forest management activities. Each of the three areas is considered a multiple use resource contributing to the overall timber, recreation and other needs of our state.

Aerial view of the Blackwater Dam
Aerial view of the Blackwater Dam in Webster
Aerial of Franklin Falls Reservoir
Aerial view of the Franklin Falls Dam
aerial view of hopkinton everett flood control area
Aerial view of the Hopkinton Everett Hopkinton-Everett Lakes, Contoocook